Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Jan St. Werner:
"You cannot order scientific results like a pizza"
(p. 109 – 117)

Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Jan St. Werner

"You cannot order scientific results like a pizza"

PDF, 9 pages


  • art contemporain

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Hans-Jörg Rheinberger

Hans-Jörg Rheinberger

a enseigné la biologie moléculaire et l'histoire des sciences aux universités de Salzbourg, Innsbruck, Zürich, Berlin et Stanford, et dirige le Max-Planck-Institut de Berlin depuis 1997. Influencé par la pensée de Jacques Derrida, dont il a cotraduit la Grammatologie, il défend une épistémologie historique dont les objets principaux sont les systèmes expérimentaux. Il a publié de nombreux essais ainsi que des recueils de poésie.

Autres textes de Hans-Jörg Rheinberger parus chez DIAPHANES
Kerstin Stakemeier (éd.), Susanne Witzgall (éd.): The Present of the Future

The current outlook into the future seems to be largely informed by resignation and anxiety. The understandable scepticism which utopian visions of the future are met with today and the crisis ridden present give rise to nostalgic resorts to seemingly reliable ideas. The book The Present of the Future investigates our present relation to the future and asks which means and strategies artists and scholars pursue today, to gain a new scope of action for shaping alternative futures. How do they create potentials for change and for the imagination of possible futures beyond modernistic idealisms and romanticist projections into remote times? The Present of the Future is the result of the third annual theme of the cx centre for interdisciplinary studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich.
